星期四, 12月 22, 2005

2006星座運情( for gemini)

OVERVIEW: While it's always been just about impossible to keep you from expressing yourself, you've probably been a bit quieter over the past year. Perhaps you've even felt downright hesitant to say what you're thinking -- especially if you're not absolutely sure of the potential repercussions of your words. That's not a bad thing; it's the wisdom of experience and age, and the universe will be tossing a bit more of it your way throughout 2006. If your friends continue to scratch their heads and ask what's wrong, reassure them with the very thing they've come to expect from you: interesting, chatty evenings over at your place, complete with the whole gang. You may be thinking more seriously lately, but that doesn't mean you can't indulge in some fun!
Speaking of serious thoughts, though, the period from early January through the beginning of March may demand some very careful consideration of joint finances -- that goes for both investments and any shared resources. If you're not happy with the way someone is handling a credit card that you're responsible for, if you're asked to cosign a loan and the thought just doesn't sit well with you, or if taxes have been a problem, this is definitely the time to resolve the situation, once and for all. And don't be shy about taking back that plastic! Remember, if your name is on the contract, you're responsible. Think of the future, and not lightly. This also wouldn't be a bad time to put a few pennies aside for a rainy day.
You may need to make some serious decisions in the romance department over the course of 2006. Changes to a friendship in April may get that show on the road -- but if you're thinking of turning this relationship romantic, be very sure that you can go back to being friends if it doesn't work out. Oh, and don't ignore a family member's efforts to introduce you to someone they think would be 'just perfect' for you -- no matter what happened last time. They could actually be right.

CAREER: You might have a workplace reputation -- deserved or not -- for being more focused on talk than action. The last year has seen you struggle intensely with that issue in one way or another, and the good news is that 2006 will bring you new credibility and a boost to your reputation, just as you had hoped. Your behind-the-scenes efforts have not gone unnoticed, and as your increasingly vital role starts to get more attention, you will see the rewards accrue commensurately. It might be a good time to start loosening up and reinvigorating your informal work relationships -- you'll need friends as well as admirers.
But first, take plenty of time in January and February getting serious about business finance. You need to make sure that you have a firm grasp on any budgets and assets that are under your control. It could be that a peer or underling is not giving due diligence its due, and it will be up to you to set things right -- quickly and firmly. Act from a place of certainty and don't let them tell you that they know better. This time you're right for sure, and you have to do what it takes to get your way. Consider investments carefully, but don't say no just because you think a better opportunity is coming. Decisive action will be rewarded.
As your star begins to shine more brightly, you won't be surprised to see recruitment offers start to come your way. The first hint will likely come in April, but you can expect to see others, so don't jump on it unless it's one of those life-changers that you just can't pass up. It is quite likely that you'll pick up a job or career tip from an unlikely source later in the year. Take pains to follow up on it, as it will yield some surprising and potentially quite profitable connections. You could set the stage for an exciting 2007.

LOVE: Your romantic outlook for the months of January through March is likely to match the weather you're used to seeing around that time: overcast, with scattered sun breaks. You have plenty going on -- so it's not that. The fact is, you're having trouble explaining to yourself what a certain relationship means to you, and it's worrisome. Your inability to predict where the relationship is headed will send you into fogs of ambiguity that may even confuse other aspects of your life. Hold up an umbrella against the inclement psychological weather and soldier on.
By the time spring rolls around, you'll experience an emotional breakthrough. You'll either figure out how to fix the relationship or you'll move on. It's perfect timing, because in April you're likely to start seeing a close friendship in an exciting new light. A smile held a moment too long, an absentminded brush of a hand -- you'll notice signs at the beginning of the month that may blossom into a real romance by month's end, as long as you're willing. It's a good time to try something fresh, like taking a romantic weekend trip to that mineral lake the locals claim has healing powers. Let your shared skepticism and -- could it be? -- a tiny spark of belief bind the two of you together. Just be sure to take things slow and nurture your friendship alongside this potential flame.
2006 will bring other big developments on the romance front as well. It's a perfect year to put tempests behind you, because you have so many sunnier options on the horizon. Be careful not to dismiss suggestions from relatives out of hand. If your parents or siblings want to introduce you to someone they're sure you'll love, don't mock the idea immediately. Your family might know you better than you think, and as long as you make it clear that you're just trying the date on a lark, no one's feelings will get hurt. Stay open to any option that floats your way.



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